ETo value (mm):
Press the "Apply" button in the app below for a demonstration run. Large number of days can take a few minutes to calculate. See the SME wiki for detailed instructions on how to use this application for your location and other information.
Yachay.openfabtech.org thanks the following open source software providers. Their code made many of the screen graphic elements of our application much easier to accomplish: OpenSeadragon, OpenSeadragonImagingHelper, Knockout, Flot, D3.
The Soil Moisture Estimator couples the
prescribed method for calculating hourly standard reference
evapotranspiration with the
Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting
Climate data is derived from the
Weather Research and Forecasting
program calculated on an hourly
basis at 3.3km resolution. Re-analyzed forcing files are used in a
"hindcast" manner.
Numerical calculations use the modeled 3.3km ETo and precipitation data.
The images show these atmospheric surface loads at 3.3km, 10km and 30km
resolutions per pixel. Hover over the images with a mouse to get pixel values.