Press the "Apply" button in the app below for a demonstration run. Large number of days can take a few minutes to calculate See the GDC wiki for detailed instructions on how to use this application for your location and other information.

Grow Degree Calculator

GDC value (C°):
GDC value (C°):
GDC value (C°):
Grow Degrees for the Location and Rundates provided:
Temps (celsius)
Location (dec. deg)
Rundates (yyyymmdd) thanks the following Open Source software providers. Their code made many of the screen graphic elements of our application much easier to accomplish: OpenSeadragon, OpenSeadragonImagingHelper, Knockout, Flot, D3.

The Grow Degree Calculator is based on data derived from the Weather Research and Forecasting program calculated on an hourly basis at 3.3km resolution. Re-analyzed forcing files are used in a "hindcast" manner, instead of "forecasting", for better accuracy.

Enter the base and upper temperatures for the organism of interest (crop or insect), and location. The start and end date format is YYYYMMDD (eg. 20170312 for March 12, 2017 ). Data begin as of 20170101.

Reported calculations use the daily 3.3km WRF minimum and maximum temperature data. The images show the accumulated grow degrees at 3.3km, 10km and 30km resolutions for the rundates.

See our GDC wiki for more detailed instructions and other information.